Tracey Berg makes PE/Adapted PE Fun!

Copyright 2013. All rights reserved.

UP beat PE

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You may be here because you are a Physical Education-Health Teacher or a Classroom Teacher or maybe you are just interested in the songs I’ve written!

Here’s what I can tell you from my experience as a Physical Education Teacher:

In the past I have only found a limited number of rhyming, prompt songs with lively music. As we know, rhyming is a key ingredient to remembering a song and learning from its message.  So to remedy my problem, I wrote some lively, rhyming prompt songs!

The children and staff at my school really enjoy hearing them, and know all the lyrics because the songs are catchy and upbeat.

I hope you agree. To listen to samples and/or purchase downloads you can go directly to my page through this link-​

~Tracey Berg

Thanks so much for the visit!